His rage, mentally un-stability and explosion of emotions in this episode left me baffled and puzzled. Gon's character really doesn't make sense to me, at all. He feels a bit conflicted about Gon and sincerely worried and/or he is probably have the leaving Gon thing on his mind, he seems somewhat absent minded considering the stuff that are happening around him. But his calm demeanor through all these crazy unforeseen situations is interesting to see. Killua was too perceptive again in this episode, it felt forced. Great episode, hadn't watched a good one since episode 108. The end scene with how he just left was so sad T^T.Can't wait til he goes to help the others. Poor Killua T_T His sad face was really depressing :( Loved his calm analyzing thinking and how he thought about the 3rd party and his grandpa's few words and analyzed them completely to understand the situation.

The way she didn't mind sacrificing anything and how she was so desperate to protect Komugi.

I was shivering and couldn't breathe throughout >_.