You can use web-based video conferencing and remote proctoring solutions, as long as the requirements explained in the release notes of SEB 3.0 are met, so that SEB can use the modern WebView.

Now sending device info to SEB Server earlier in the connection process.Improved sending log events, to prevent loosing single events due to temporary connectivity issues.In that case, an alternative start URL can be configured and fallback optionally protected with a new password. Added support for fallback option, when connecting to SEB Server fails completely.Massively improved error handling when connecting to SEB Server with better error messages which can help SEB Server and exam administrators to fix server-side issues.Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default Fixed Cancel button in the SEB Server (optional) fallback password alert and improved alert feedback text in case of an empty fallback password.Fixed a null reference exception in injected Javascript code, related to the "download" attribute on links.Fixed an issue which caused that properties like "active" of prohibited processes couldn't be set correctly in SEB Preferences.Fixed: Reload key shortcut not enabled correctly according to reload settings and selected window (main/additional).

Fixed: Latest TeamViewer version wasn't blocked by default.Fixed red lock screen after user switch disappeared without user action.Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the modern WebView.